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How to keep your account hosted adsense could be accepted into adsense nonhosted account?

How to keep your account hosted adsense could be accepted into adsense nonhosted account?

How to keep your account hosted adsense could be accepted into adsense nonhosted account?

Though basically we have hosted, not AdSense account immediately we can directly upgrade to our hosted AdSense account into your AdSense account non-hosted. Because AdSense has requirements that we have to fill. So that we can be said to be the official publisher, to display AdSense ads on our own sites. And not even just one site, 500 sites also can. As long as we've got AdSense account non-hosted.

Speaking of Google AdSense, there isn't a blogger who is not tempted with AdSense? From advertising that is relevant to the site and the user, as well as advertising is quite friendly with the blog so that the blog looks more beautiful.

What AdSense could really make the effort remains on (of course it's great for websites) which already has millions of loyal readers every day. Certainly all of the evidence in fact, insistence on the beginner blogger now motivated not because of becoming bloggers as a referrer, but is more motivated to be money from AdSense. Interesting, isn't it?

Back to AdSense account hosted upgrade requirements become non-hosted. We certainly know the rules of being a publisher AdSense with membaca-baca terms and conditions already listed. But many also ignore these requirements.

Whether it's contemptuous or being lazy reading. That is obvious, AdSense is so tight, and the rule must be obey. And the following mandatory requirement before upgrading your AdSense account hosted be non-hosted.

1. Must first PIN verification

When you want to upgrade an AdSense account at hosting, whether it's from YouTube or from bloggers, you certainly should receive the PIN from AdSense in advance, in order to show ads on your personal site.

Because if you haven't yet got a PIN verification from AdSense, you will never get any notification from AdSense, though have already done the upgrade.

So useless you wait for long, because before you to verify the PIN, you will not get any emails from AdSense. Except for the email notification about upgrades in addition to AdSense account. This has been stated clearly on the support page of Google, as well as concrete evidence that you are the rightful owner of the top AdSense account.

So if you want to upgrade your AdSense account from hosted to non-hosted, then make sure you have received a PIN and verify it already. So please you do the upgrade. But if not, be patient beforehand.

2. the site berdomain should be on the top level (ccTLD)

It is also very in require! If your blog is still conditioned subdomain and want to upgrade your AdSense account, then you should already have a top level domain (TLD).

However, if you do not understand what is a TLD domain, then I love for example: klikmania.net and im4j1ner.com (a little bit of promotion) that site with the domain TLD. To get it, you can buy it at the service of hosting providers in both local and long distance.

But if you want to with the contents of the wallet, then a local hosting service could be an option. It's up to you. Likewise if you get your AdSense account from YouTube and intend to upgrade, then you must have a site or blog that is already berdomain TLD.

If you already have it, then you can immediately do an upgrade. But if not, please prepare it first. Therefore the main terms are also included.

3. Fixed regulations

Although previous blog you have fully accepted into AdSense publisher, not necessarily also can receive when upgrading. Since it is currently in review, sometimes there is a little mistake we don't realize, so AdSense party rejected it.

This may be due to less because we control the speed of access to our blogs, and we add a bit of a gadget blog, so affect the speed of the blog.

Or it could be because there is content that is sensitive to the AdSense policies, which unknowingly we have written. So it could be a barrier to the process of improving our AdSense account.

So it is advised to keep regulations AdSense, and try to check the feasibility of your blog before doing the process of up-grading your AdSense account.

If all have been supplied, then hopefully no problems during the review. And may not need to wait for a long time again, even once the review directly received in full.

Important points

If you successfully upgrade your AdSense account hosted be non-hosted, then you could put AdSense ads on YouTube, blogs or TLD, air-conditioned blog subdomain. Or even for applications that you create that you upload in the PlayStore. You can put it wherever you like.

But of course, even though the account is already a non-hosted, You must still comply with Google's AdSense policies. So that your AdSense account you already stand for not only end tragically because of a faux pas. Hopefully the post a little of this is quite helpful and useful ...
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